Monday, January 31, 2005

How old is he anyway?

A conversation in our house last night...

Sophie Cat: Meow Meow MEOW MEOW MEOW!

Randy: Shut up, cat!

Sam: Randy said, "Shut up." That's a poor choice.

And the other week, he had very important work to do on the computer...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

More from the source...

During dinner last night, "My hands are really little. My peewee's little too."

Nightdare (nightmare)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Little Angel

Sam actually fell asleep early tonight....before we got him into his pajamas. These were taken as Randy was moving stiff, sleeping little limbs into footie pajamas.


a whole time ago (a long time ago)
back to norman (back to normal)
fromever (forever)
last year (yesterday)
in eighteen minutes (in a few minutes)
that's what people dooze (that's what people do)
crunchy ice cream (Dippin' Dots)
cousits (cousins)
lellow (yellow)
emony stickits (lemony snicket)
the wind is tickling me